Imagine a world where children know their own backyards ~ where they can name the flora and fauna they observe and actively seek to create a children-led new order on how to create and conserve nature spaces.
Imagine a world where educators use the natural world as an integral part of formal learning. A world where every school has a natural space and lessons are regularly held outdoors. Imagine a world where connecting people to nature becomes a growth industry.
Grace Webster is 11. She’s passionate about spending time outside. In this cute video, award-winning author and child advocacy expert, Richard Louv tackles some tough questions. Grace’s aim? To find out more about Rich himself but also to get his advice on how to keep kids connected to nature using technology. She was also determined to know if he liked One Direction. Enjoy a new insight into the award-winning author of Last Child in the Woods and more lately The Nature Principle.
Our thanks to our colleague Suzannah Cowley for filming and to the team at the Australian Conservation Foundation for facilitating the interview.
Until next time…
HA….I Loved both the article and the Video Interview!! Great job Grace! And Caro….I cannot believe How She’s grown since the first time I saw Her! Before You know it, She`ll be in University…….engaged, and Married!! To one of the Chaps in
“One Direction”(?) Hmmmmmm
Great article … and I really enjoyed the video!
Fantastic! Well done Grace and Richard Louv… the 1D discussion was definitely a highlight!