Do you have budding explorers or scientists in your home? Then you’ll love this offer and giveaway. Read on for your chance to win a truly funky digital microscope, plus an amplifying speaker set. Together they are valued at over $140.
When I was little I used to dream about becoming so tiny, I could go on adventures which would include riding on the back of a grasshopper, sliding down silky spider webs or living inside a shell where the sound of the sea would lull me to sleep each night. A dewdrop would become a vast lake across which I’d journey, using the leaf of a flowering gum as a boat. A clump of moss would become a gigantic forest through which I’d explore, hunting for magical creatures. It would also double as the perfect hiding spot should Mum try and call me indoors. Steering clear of our bantam hens went without saying.
Over the weekend I revisited these memories as my children and I created our own mini virtual worlds. Using a Kaiser Baas digital microscope, we chose items, stuck them under the lens and marvelled at the worlds that sprang to life on our computer screen. We’ve plucked hairs from our head, examined food from the kitchen and particles of soil from the garden. We selected all manner of leaves, flowers, seed-heads and scoured through our found collection. All were put under the microscope, examined and photographed. NB. Click on our images a couple of times to reveal their true beauty.
We looked at water, marvelled at our fingerprints and hunted for fleas on the dog. The kids spent ages hunting outdoors, coming in excitedly to examine “in macro” those items that had caught their fancy. I’d recommend this microscope wholeheartedly. It’s compact, of quality and ever so easy to use. It innately encourages outdoor exploration, creates discussion about the wonder of the world and fires an interest in science.
Thanks to Kaiser Baas, I have a digital microscope and an amplifying speaker set to give away. Use it with any android. You can take it outside, lie under a tree and listen to your favourite music. Perfect for picnics or an afternoon to yourself…
For your chance to win, simply tell us where you would play and why, if you instantly became the size of a flea. The winner will be chosen (by my 10 year old daughter) for their imagination and creativity. Competition closes Wednesday 28 August, 2013.
This offer AND the additional totally ace offer below are open to Australian and New Zealand residents only.
If you visit the Kaiser Baas website here, and type CARO15 in the discount code section, they’ll give you 15% off any purchases between now and 30 November 2013. It’s well worth checking it out as there are plenty of other fun and engaging products to consider.
Until next time
This is a sponsored post.
If I were the size of a flea
Playing in the garden is where I’d be
Seeing the towering blades of grass and flowers
I would be lost in hours of fun for hours!!!
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
from Auguries of Innocence
William Blake
If I was the size of a flea,
I’d play among the cryptogams.
Lichens, liverworts, mosses and hornworts .
I’m their biggest fan 🙂
Lichens are my favourite. I love that they aren’t plant or animal – but strange symbiosis between fungi and an algae. I’d love to wander through a lichen forest and see if I could recognise which bit was the fungi and which bit was the algae.
If I was the size of a flea,
away in the garden i’d be.
Under the leaves,
and out in the sun.
Around the rhubarb,
and the asparagus i’d run.
Through the flower,
and up to the tree.
If only i could soar,
on the back of a bee.
I’d dodge the gecko,
and hide in the bark.
And in there i’d stay,
until way after dark.
Look down to the ground,
and around i’d peer.
It’s a long way down,
but heights i don’t fear.
For I am a flea,
who can jump real high.
I can crawl through hair,
or leap to the sky.
With the world so large,
never bored i’d be.
For today at least,
I am the size of a flea.
If I were the size of a flea I would crawl into the ear of the dog I inhabit and slide around the ear canal rollercoasting around till my dog went wild with all the whooshing in his ear. I might even clean out some ear gunk whilst I was there : )
I have often dreamt of shrinking, my favourite book as a child was Mrs Pepperpot, her shrinking powers always appeared at the most awkward times, turning the story into an awesome adventure . If I were the size of a flea I would love to be with my flea size boys Oscar and Charlie. Our daft dog Sunny would take us for the ride of our lives, on her back we would be safe racing down to the beach through the hot sand, taking a dip in the lagoon before floating on our backs gazing at the vast blue sky, riding the waves trying not to become supper for the fish. Finding a leaf to turn into a boat, then sailing out to sea we would look out to the world we love to explore everyday but seeing so much more from our tiny tiny eyes…….
My son Isaac (7) says he’d like to go exploring in places where he can’t normally go, like between the walls, and he’d like to get inside machines to see how they work!
If I were the size of a flea… hmmm, I think I’d be very, very scared to start with! But being so small means being hard to see. I’m curious how the human body works so I’d travel around inside someone… A bit icky, but fun!
Huge congratulations to Daddy Eco. Chosen as the winner by both my children. Will be in touch shortly. Thanks to everyone else who took the time to enter. x