A gooey mass of goodness, this chutney is quite spicy but perfect with any meats, cheeses or terrines. The recipe was given to me by a friend, who in turn had been given it by a wonderful woman who lived in our district for many years. Her name is Helen Zouch. Sadly she’s no longer with us but her recipe lives on. It probably dates from the 1930s.

Rhubarb & Date Chutney
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
1 hour
Total Time
1 hour, 30 minutes

- 700g Rhubarb (leaves discarded), stems chopped
- 700g Brown Onions, finely chopped
- 450g pitted Dates, roughly chopped
- 6 cups white sugar
- 1tbs salt
- 830ml white vinegar
- 1 level tsp of Cayenne, Ground Ginger, Curry Powder, Ground Cinnamon, Mixed Spice and mustard seeds. You could add a tsp of chilli flakes for extra punch if you wish.
- Put all into a large pot and hard simmer for 1 hour, stirring every now and then.
- Let cool slightly and pour into sterilised jars.
Looks amazing Caro. I’m going to give this a go! X