Many people believe that Ceviche originated in Spain once citrus fruits had arrived in Europe. Although, most food historians agree that it is far more likely it has its origins in Peru or Ecuador. I really don’t care where it comes from, I just know that I love to eat it. It is such a super tasty, healthy and clean dish and takes little time to prepare.
A few days ago I had some mates over for lunch and apart from one recalcitrant who just refused to try it (you know who you are), they wolfed it down and most have subsequently asked for the recipe. So here you are my friends ~ I encourage you to give it a go. I’m fairly certain it may well become a staple in your cooking repertoire.

- 800g skinless king fish (or similar firm white fish) either cubed or finely sliced into mouth-sized pieces
- The juice of 8 limes or 6 lemons (personally I prefer lime)
- 2 long red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
- Small bunch of mint, finely chopped
- Small bunch of coriander, finely chopped
- A handful of micro herbs
- A sprinkle of finely chopped dill
- 1 red capsicum, diced
- 1 yellow capsicum, diced
- 250g sweet corn kernels (optional)
- 3 spring onions, finely sliced
- 250g coarsely grated quality parmesan
- Salt and Black pepper
- Combine everything except the lime juice, micro herbs, olive oil, S&P and parmesan in a large bowl, cover with glad wrap and refrigerate until you are ready to assemble the dish.
- Put the lemon juice and a splash of olive oil into a jar and shake gently to combine.
- To make the parmesan crisps, lay some baking paper on a shallow baking dish and then spread the parmesan evenly so it covers the entirety of the dish. Place in the oven on 220c and bake for 10-12 minutes or until it has started to turn golden. Remove and allow to cool. Do not refrigerate as this will make it go soggy.
- When you are ready to serve, pour the lime juice over the fish mix and combine. Leave for around 3 minutes, stirring every now and then to ensure the lemon juice is well combined. Don't leave for much longer as the lemon juice will start to 'cook' the fish and you don't want this.
- Break the parmesan into rough biscuit shapes.
- Arrange the ceviche into entree serving bowls, sprinkle with the micro herbs, some salt and black pepper. Top with a couple of parmesan crisps and serve immediately
Serving this dish with a super chilled Pinot Gris is a must.
What is your go-to fancy pants recipe?
Until next time…
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